Thursday, May 22, 2014

HotList! South America! Go and Know the Best!

First SALSA! Now HotList?

I've been asked, "How is it possible to have written two books in one year?" The answer is quite simple. As subject matter, both books contain aspects of South American life. And since I've traveled the continent for twenty years photographing the marvels and scribbling impressions all along the way, there's been ample material to draw upon... the inspiration of travel diaries makes it possible.

Then I should add that our literary team is stupendous! Editor Alix Shand is a bit of a language prodigy and has unerring focus. Designer Rocio Laura has been involved with some of the most impressive works published in this part of the world. And she's deigned to work with me. Gratefully, these two experts have harnessed my energy, profusion of words and oft times wayward ways. Tech support Marco Antonio makes the uploads easy. Otherwise, I'd be flummoxed and frustrated. Really publishing has been a long time coming yet the teamwork makes it all so very immediate and accesible. Realistically, future titles will take more time but they are forthcoming. Look for "SnowBlind in the Andes" (Sacred Leaf to Cocaine Tourism) and followed soon thereafter by another travelogue/cookbook: "Down East" (Boston to St. John's).

So this is answer to the above question, acknowledgement of great talent and an expression of appreciation all in one... mil gracias a todos!

Copyright © Mick Huerta 2014. All Rights Reserved.
All Accordin' - Travel, Culture, Food, Wine!

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