Wednesday, October 23, 2013

More than One Way to Skin a Trout!

A fishmonger in a landlocked country? Well, take into consideration that nearby Lake Titicaca is the largest freshwater lake in South America and is, also, the world’s highest navigable lake. Situated at 3,810 m above sea level, the lake nutures king-fish, mauri, the boga, suche, ispy and carachi.

Helping me wade through the options, Lidia is my fishmonger in the Rodriguez Farmer´s Market of La Paz, Bolivia. Even though young, she´s been at it years. Taught the business by her mother, the pair continue to work side-by-side selling a full variety of lake fishes al fresco. Most popular are the trout which were introduced in 1939. 

Lidia makes it look easy to skin a trout and her skill amazes me everytime. She advises that without gloves it´s impossible. I prefer to think it´s just impossible and leave it to the professionals... Simply select a fish and in moments it´s boned, skinned and wrapped to go... destined for great things like lemon and cilantro and a glass of white (Cousiño-Macul Sauvignon Gris).

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