Friday, September 9, 2011

Paila Marina - Chile´s Little Bit o´ Heaven in a Bowl

A recent trip to Chile continues to inspire many little plates here at home in La Paz, Bolivia. And without doubt, I´m really quite happy with fish from Lake Titicaca and the rivers of Bolivia. But one offering that stands out like a beacon from Pacific coastal waters is Paila Marina (Chilean Seafood Soup). This I´ve eaten from Patagonia to Arica and truly love, love, love it in all its forms! When south of the equator keep an eye out for it. It´s one of the most delectable soups of the sea... and it´ll redefine your idea of heaven in a bowl.

Copyright © Mick Huerta 2011. All Rights Reserved.
All Accordin' - Travel, Culture, Food & Wine!

1 comment:

Debra said...

It all looks so delious!