Thursday, October 18, 2012

Just the Once, Never Again! - Buckley's Cough Syrup

Suffering a common cold in the rain is challenge enough. You bundle up, keep the soup-pot going and the toddies flowing. Basically you do what you can to weather the sneezey storm. Accepting recovery was a matter of time and many boxes of tissues, I looked out on a sopping, sodden day.
Then I was asked if I'd ever tried Buckley's Cough Syrup?
"No, never." I responded. 
The bottle and spoon were fetched and I was administered one dose to alleviate all symptoms.
"Cack! Aaaack puuuuuuuuhey! ARGH, NASTY!"
The room was filled with laughter. And they gleefully said in unison,
"It tastes awful. And it works!" "Hehehehehehe."
I was guffawed! My own loved-ones had ganged up on me! Sneaky and acting in collusion, I was rendered victim of domestic abuse!
"Creeeeck tuoph," I spat into the waste basket. 
"Water, water, please, I need water!" 

Yes, I did survive the treatment. And I still speak with my family, however guardedly.
But if you were to ask whether Buckley's Cough Syrup works? Really, I couldn't say as I was dosed just the once. But anything based on the flavors of ammonia and pine needles? Once is one too many. Never again!
And that's final!

Copyright © Mick Huerta 2012. All Rights Reserved.
All Accordin' - Travel, Culture, Food & Wine!

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