A few left-over items in the fridge, add pesto or other sauce, cherry tomatoes (grown along side the house) and a clip of Basil for garnish and today's lunch is a Time Saveur.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
Heat a splash of olive oil over medium-high heat in an oven-safe skillet and cook a mince of onion and garlic until translucent. Beat eggs, add pasta, pesto, red or bechamel sauce, salt & pepper. Pour mixture into the skillet. The "Sizzle" indicates you'll have a nice brown crust once done. Reduce the heat to medium-low, allow eggs to set, about 10 minutes. Transfer skillet to preheated oven and cook fully, about 15 minutes. Nota Bene: The center is the problem spot. When center is solid, cool, cut and serve with soup, salad and a hunk of country bread. Any and all will do nicely! Garnish with tomato and basil. Serve with a Sauvignon Blanc.
It was absolutely divine!
Beautiful--concept, execution, presentation, photography, all 10's. Perfect Scooooooorrrrreeeee!
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