... life & cooking, all according ta whatcha got on hand.
Monday, August 29, 2011
PIPOCA: Onomatopoeia Never Tasted So Good - CBBA, Bolivia
Throughout South America popcorn is called Pipoca (even in Brazil)! Walking Sunday early afternoon, I came across Doña Ofelia, a true master at popping corn. Done in a jiffy and fortunately she had a little powdered aji (chile) because some do like it HOT! I ordered two big bags, one with and the other without.And ate them sharing with other afternoon strollers along the way. No better ice-breaker and if only asking directions the resulting conversation has a bright, crispy edge to it... You know, onomatopoeia never tasted so good!
1 comment:
To have them at every cinema in the world would be called for, amigo. Great post.
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